Angelica Moreira: Goodbye to Our Youth Intern
Winding down the summer, we say thank you and goodbye to our MICAH Youth Intern. This is what she has gained from this experience with...

State Proposition 6: Voter Approval for Future Gas and Vehicle Taxes and 2017 Tax Repeal Initiative
Proposition 6 repeals the fuel tax increases and vehicle fees enacted in 2017, and requires voter approval for future tax increases. The...

"Remind Them to Keep it in Mind"
On July 12th, an Alameda County Public Protection Meeting was held at 10AM. Led by Supervisor and Chair of the Public Protection...

Alameda County Board of Supervisors Transcript
Here is the transcript that happened between Supervisor Wilma Chan, County Administrator Susan Muranishi, and Supervisor Scott Haggerty...

Alameda County Board of Supervisors Budget Meeting
On Friday June 29th, Genesis leaders and Genesis youth interns attended the "All Eyes on the Sheriff" mobilization by the Justice...