Serena DeTorres: Class of 2018

With the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, we wanted to thank a graduate who worked hard to earn her degree. We are very proud to announce our first MICAH of the summer of 2016: Serena DeTorres graduated from Saint Mary's College of California with the Class of 2018! Serena graduated with a BA in Justice, Community, and Leadership and Ethnic Studies with cum laude honors. While at Saint Mary's, Serena affected the lives of many as a powerful voice on campus throughout her four years in Jumpstart as a Team Leader as well as her four years as an executive team member and eventual president of the student organization APASA (Asian Pacific American Student Assembly). Currently, she is spending her time finding ways to pursue her passion for social justice work while searching for her first professional job. Reflecting on her work with Genesis, Serena believes Genesis taught her how to find her voice as a young woman of color. Although she often questioned her power and impact on others in the work she was doing, since Genesis Serena has grown as a confident leader and mentor to others. We congratulate Serena on all she has accomplished and all she will accomplish! Thank you for all your investment in social justice work and we wish you luck on all your endeavors!