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What We Believe

Our Vision

Since our inception in 2006, Genesis has centered our work on those who are the most vulnerable (youth, elders, people with disabilities). As the Bay area affiliate of the Gamaliel Network, we aim to impact structural racism through our issue campaigns. In 2019, a group of Genesis clergy and lay leaders came together to create our Vision Statement:


The beloved community becomes a reality when we act on our values to create a more just and inclusive world. The group and each leader is stronger when everyone brings their values and beliefs to the work of Genesis. Genesis believes that values come from stories. Our values are animated by our spiritual commitments and practices.


Here are our commitments in order to practice being the beloved community. 

  • Our unity is grounded in inclusion and therefore everyone’s gifts are essential and welcomed.  

  • Genesis aspires to reconcile and heal divisions with grace and patience. ​



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